Knox Box of Miscellany

Dawn Knox – A rearranger of words into something hopefully meaningful…

Reg isn’t a ‘Sandist’ – #MuseItUp #DaffodilAndTheThinPlace


Sand Sculpture on Guardamar Beach

Spontaneous Arrangement of Sand into Various Shapes on Guardamar Beach

I may have been slightly negative about sand on Saturday 11th October. Of course, sand has its disadvantages but I wouldn’t like you to think I’m a ‘Sandist’. And to prove I’m not prejudiced against sand, today I’m posting two photos I took of the stuff while on holiday in Spain.

Sand is definitely a nuisance, but it also has some rather strange properties which it occasionally exhibits such as seen in the photo on the left. It doesn’t happen very often but one day there’s nothing more than a pile of nasty, creeping sand ready to attack your lunch and bodily crevices, and the next, there’s a castle, a Neptune or a dolphin or all three. I’ve been told it’s something to do with tides and winds which combine in an almost unearthly manner and somehow mould sand into spontaneous shapes. Some people suggest it’s something to do with the earth’s magnetic field and ley lines which may trap the sand grains and hold them in position. Others say they’re made by the same aliens who make crop circles but I really don’t know.

The second photo isn’t really about sand as such. It’s more about rock. But what is rock, other than glued-together sand? It shows me in a place called Callosa de Segura on a baby mountain. Until my holiday, I wasn’t aware mountains had babies but you can see the proof for yourself. Apparently, it’s identical to the Sierra de Callosa, the mountain on which the town perches.

So, there you have it.
Sand which spontaneously forms into shapes and baby mountains.
Never let it be said I’m a ‘Sandist’.

Now, on to more pressing matters. Have you purchased your copy of ‘Daffodil and the Thin Place’ yet? No? Then click here and prepare to spend about £1.80 on the Old Girl’s ebook. It will make her very happy and raise money for St. Nicholas Church, Laindon with Dunton, Essex, where the story takes place. And as a bonus, it doesn’t mention sand. At all. #MuseItUp #DaffodilAndTheThinPlace

Reg on the model of the Sierra de Callosa mountains

Reg scales the heights of the model mountain

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