Knox Box of Miscellany

Dawn Knox – A rearranger of words into something hopefully meaningful…

Digital Marketing MOOC


Digital Marketing MOOC.

I’ve just joined the University of Southampton’s Digital Marketing MOOC!

Hopefully, I’ll be able to market ‘Daffodil and the Thin Place’ more effectively in three weeks time, or sooner!Daffodil and the Thin Place 300dpi

There’s still time for you to join in and here’s the programme for the next three weeks to whet your appetite:

The structure of the course is as follows:

Week 1 – we introduce you to the course, the tutors and how it all works. We examine how businesses can benefit from digital storytelling, the evolving changes in how we behave online, and reflect on the challenges and opportunities that social media offer to marketers.

Week 2 – we discuss developments in the technologies we use, our ownership of digital assets, and the various ‘customer journeys’ we make when purchasing goods and services. How can marketers draw upon these developments to start thinking beyond the standard ‘online’ versus ‘offline’ distinctions?

During Week 2 we will host a ‘live’ discussion with a panel of invited guests from industry. Further details can be found in Step 2.18 and you will receive an email reminder with full details nearer to the time.

Week 3 – we examine the opportunities and challenges for marketers in getting value from the vast amount of customer data now generated, at a time when much uncertainty exists about personal privacy and control of online data. We also introduce our research in progress that is examining the potential of web observatories and gamification to help marketers address such concerns.

#MuseItUp #DaffodilAndTheThinPlace

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